Engineering the software car
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article "The global auto industry thinks it sees the future, and it will require a transformation without precedent in business history: The giant industrial sector has to turn itself into a nimble provider of software and services."
This transformation started happening a few years back and is offering major opportunities for a certain segment of the population - the software engineer.
Right now, there are more than 14,000 automotive software job openings in the US alone, based on a very quick and unscientific search on the Indeed career website. The need for automotive software engineers is huge due to the fact that more than 1 billion lines of code are expected to be required to run a level 5 autonomous car. In this era, software engineers are in a position to be kingpins in the automotive industry.
The truly interesting bit is that new technologies, like AI and Machine Learning - technologies that are exciting for young and seasoned engineers alike - are cornerstone technologies in the realization of the autonomous car. The jobs available to software engineers offer creative opportunities for the development of new driving and passenger experiences.
Aurora Labs is excited to be working with car manufacturers delivering Self-Healing Software for software engineers throughout the organization to succeed in this new automotive world.
With Self-Healing Software engineers can shorten development cycles, flash and test infinite variations of software configurations, and update the car guaranteeing the best user experience after the car has left the lot.